Enjoy Premium Facilities & Amenities at Hotel Chandigarh Heights

At Hotel Mount View, we ensure to make your stay memorable every step of the way. Along with our professional staff that leaves no stone unturned to meet your requirements, guests get to enjoy the premium facilities and amenities at one of the best hotels in Chandigarh Heights. Here is a peek of hotel facilities and amenities that the guests get to enjoy during their stay with us.

Centralised Air-conditioning & Heating

24-hr Running Hot & Cold Water


Tea & Coffee Maker

Fully-equipped Gym

Anandam Spa

Premium Toiletries

Mantra Art Shop

Kid's Play Area

Covered & Safe Parking

Games Room

Games Night, Bonefire, & DJ Parties

Outdoor cafe - Cedar

Bar & Cafe - Tipsy Yake

Doctor on Call